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3 posts tagged with "playwright"

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· 4 min read
Avi Stramer

Playwright Test is a powerful, well thought out test framework that helps you streamline and enhance your testing workflows. The Playwright team has carefully thought about various workflows related to software development and testing which makes it one of the best options out there. In this post we'll go over it's useful tags feature that make tests more organized, flexible, and efficient.

· 6 min read
Avi Stramer

Playwright Test is a powerful, well thought out test framework that helps you streamline and enhance your testing workflows. The Playwright team has carefully thought about various workflows related to software development and testing which makes it one of the best options out there. In this post we'll go over it's useful annotations feature that make tests more organized, flexible, and efficient.

· 4 min read
Avi Stramer

Playwright enables reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps. Playwright provides two main tools: the Playwright Library for browser automation tasks and Playwright Test for end-to-end testing. While both tools leverage the same underlying technology, they serve distinct purposes and come with their unique set of features. In this blog post, we delve into a detailed comparison between Playwright Test and the Playwright Library, complete with practical code examples to showcase their capabilities.