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JMeter Module Controller

· 3 min read
Avi Stramer

JMeter is a powerful tool for load testing and performance measurement. One of the often overlooked features of JMeter is the Module Controller, which allows you to organize your test plan into reusable modules. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the Module Controller and how it can make your test plan more readable and reusable.

What is the Module Controller?

The Module Controller is a JMeter element that allows you to run a reusable test module within your test plan. A module controller can run any other controller within your test plan.

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How to create a Module Controller?

To create a Module Controller, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a reusable set of steps, often grouped using a Simple Controller. It's best to put the reusable module outside of your thread group element. Our recommendation is to add a Test Fragment element in your test plan and make any reusable module a child of that element.
  2. Add a Module Controller anywhere in your test plan you want to execute the above reusable steps by adding a Logic Controller -> Module Controller.
  3. In the Module Controller, select the module from step 1 by selecting if under "Module to Run".

Why use the Module Controller?

The Module Controller offers several benefits for test plan organization and maintenance:

Reusability: The Module Controller allows you to reuse a module in multiple places in your test plan. This saves time and effort when creating and maintaining a complex test plan.

Readability: Using the Module Controller can make your test plan more readable by grouping related elements into a single module. This makes it easier to understand the structure of your test plan and how it works.

Maintenance: When you use a Module Controller, you only need to make changes in one place, and those changes will be reflected wherever the module is used in your test plan. This makes it easier to maintain your test plan and ensure consistency across different parts of the test.


The Module Controller is a powerful tool that can make your JMeter test plan more modular, readable, and maintainable. By grouping related elements into reusable modules, you can save time and effort when creating and maintaining a complex test plan. If you haven't used the Module Controller yet, give it a try, and see how it can improve your test plan organization and maintenance.